Please kindly note that only goods value and shipping fee are included in the price you pay.

Sometimes you may pay some duties or tax on imported goods, which is charged by your local customs. 

The customs policy differs from country to country and even in different places of the same country. 

It is almost impossible for us to know all the updated customs practices and rules of every country. Thus, we cannot tell whether there will be tax or how much tax you need to pay in advance.

For customers, you are advised to find out all the related customs information before you order. 

If you have to pay import taxes and/or additional duties and sales taxes, you would have to make the payment of these taxes or duties to the courier upon receipt of the package(s) from China. 

If you are sending a gift item to someone, please make sure they are aware of the possibility of having to pay taxes when receiving the goods.

Thanks for your understanding.


Generally speaking, flat mail delivery like EUB, Mail Post, NL Mail Post, BE Mail Post 

Special Line delivery like SL UK, SL EUR, SL CA, SL IT, SL DE, SL FR, SL ES will not incur customs duties.

Express delivery is more likely to incur customs duties.

Here is the threshold information we collect for you, just for reference:

• Australia AUD 1000

New Zealand AUD 1000

• United States USD 800

China RMB 1000

• Canada CAD 20

United Kingdom GBP 135

• Russian SUR 10000

Japan USD 90

• Singapore USD 307

Brazil USD 46

• Latin America USD 50

European Union EUR 22

Note: Brazil Post imposes a tax levy of $3.50 on all international parcels.

From January 1, 2021, the British government has cancelled the tax-free preferential policy for low-value (valued not more than 15 pounds) item-type mail. 

That is to say, all orders for UK customers should be subject to value-added tax (VAT). 

Sorry for any inconvenience brought to you.
