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About Yoga With Heart

I design Yoga with Heart with one clear intention. This is to remind you of your magnificence.

To support this intention, I use a unique combination of symbols, words, and images to empower you. I use the language of the heart that invites union (Yoga)

These are words of wisdom that come from many traditions, both old and new.

This is the language of mystical poetry, mythological storytelling beyond logic, and takes you beyond belief into the magical world of KNOWING and being KNOWN through.

Included at Yoga with Heart are gifts that remind you to gift who you are to the world and remind others to gift who they are to the world. This is the greatest gift you can give, and it is way to find real prosperity, purpose, and passion for living a life you Love.

You can only give the gift of who you are from the experience of the awakened heart in alignment with Love’s Purpose, which is your primary purpose in Life. 

Your secondary purpose is how you express that energetic alignment through you by way of creativity, purpose and passion. 

My work, my joy and my blessing are in creating and sharing reminders to such heart awakening that leads to union with the Beloved (Yoga).

Tony Cuckson - Writer on Awakening the Heart
