I Love Yoga as a Statement of Intention and Revelation

I love Yoga is a journey. Is the longest and shortest journey you ever take. It is the only journey worth taking. This is the journey from the head to the heart.
It is the journey from the overthinking personal mind to the deep and abiding fullness of the heart.
I personally love yoga.
I love all kinds of yoga from Hatha yoga, Raja Yoga to Yin yoga. Most of all, I love the invitation at the heart of yoga.
This is the invitation to become the fullness of who you are created to be.
Yoga is a science and practise that invites you to realise the magnificence that Life has created you to become.
This is what I want for you.
It is to be a revelation of Loves forever becoming. This is the promise of Yoga with Heart. The Mystic poet Hafiz says it this way:
I wish that when you are lonely and in darkness that I could show you the magnificence of the Light of your own being - Hafiz of Shiraz
This this is what all mystics and all yogi's long to point you toward.
How Important You Are
Yoga is not just the practise of postures or asanas. It is a map into the experience of Love as being who you are.
When you declare, “I love yoga,” you are in effect affirming your purpose in life.
To love yoga is to love the reason you are here. Why you are here is to shine your light into the world as a reflection of the One Light and the One Love.
This is how important you are.
Love is the Bridge between you and Everything.
The beauty of this statement, “I love yoga,” is that you get to affirm Love as the path to union. You are declaring your true direction home.
Love is a bridge between you and everything - Rumi
The practise of Yoga in all its different styles and forms and paths is how you open the bridge of the heart.
The bridge is always there.
The bridge is blocked to the degree you mistrust Universal intention. The bridge, however, is always open from the other side of time and space.
Affirm your place in the universe as a unique expression of Love's purpose. Declare your love. Make this declaration something more than about person time and place.
Practice affirming your commitment to live in union (Yoga) with Love's purpose, which is your primary purpose for being here. Nothing less than this will truly fulfil you.
Declaration of Heart's Intent
It’s often particularly challenging to declare what we stand for. Declaring who we are often makes us feel vulnerable. However, as Brene Brown has found there is real power in vulnerability. This is because you are affirming the truth of who you are.
Allow yourself to make a simple statement of what you love.
Make sure, however, whatever words you declare following the word “I” is what you wish to manifest in the world for your highest good and the highest good of all.
To declare, “I love Yoga, is to declare that you your love for the union of the personal with the universal.
It is to declare that you love the journey that brings an end to all unnecessary suffering in the world of time and space.” I love Yoga” is a celebration of your fullest potential flowing in alignment with the Infinite Potential seeded within you.
The statement “I love yoga,” is your Declaration of Independence. It is a declaration of true freedom. This is the declaration and practise of your right to be happy.
The paradox you experience in this, "I love Yoga” journey is that the closer you are to the experience of Yoga, the less there is of "you" as a personal self and the more there is of the Universal Self.
The father of Yoga who was the Indian sage Patanjali says it this way:
Yoga is the journey of the self to the Self through the self—Patanjali.
The word "self" (with a small 's' refers to your personality. The word "Self" with a capital 'S' refers to your Higher Self.
Affirmation of Love
Act and affirm what you love.
If you practise yoga, then affirm “I love Yoga”. This is the highest affirmation. It invites union in ways that you might not yet know.
All mystics align with this , “I love Yoga,” statement.
This is because all mystics of all traditions KNOW the experience of union with the Divine. This KNOWING is not head knowledge, but heart KNOWING.
They may not practice yoga as a style or as a form, but they have the experience that all styles, all forms and all paths are intended to reveal.
To affirm "I Love Yoga" is to sail into the mystic.
Let, “I love yoga” be your invitation to the revelation that Loves Purpose intends for you. In this way you are living with your birthright. This is right to KNOW that but you are forever LOVED.